Monday, November 15, 2010

What Japan has helped confirm

I get to teach this child next month, its a baby girl and I'm in my costume. Great week. (No I wasn't hitting her, I was trying to get her to touch the key)

So, I figured I would write on this blog since, I know, I know, I havent written in ages.

Quick update, I just got finished with some follow up training for my kids classes. And man that was actually a pretty wild day now that I think about it. I had to do a demo lesson right on the LAST hour (of 4 slots). But it was ok because all the teachers loved my energy and two of the Japanese women who pretended to be my students were totally caught off guard by how crazy fun crazy fun crazy my lesson was. Good times.

Let's see, what else, I recently went to see a concert where a guy was playing a violin in a band. One of my friends has a friend who is part of a band and the guy was in the band and he played the violin beautifully. Its always moments like these where I wish I would have kept going with my trumpet, or had developed myself in another instrument. Hope is not lost, I'm still young...even though I'm getting older...good gracious it was my half birthday last Friday...less than six months and I'll be a quarter of a century old. *runs away screaming*

*comes back*

There are times, readers, where I'm in class and I think, "How perfect is this? I get to be paid to do what I've done for free, much to my dads dismay sometimes, talk." And to follow up with that, people, remember when I said things are just going to keep getting better even though they are better than anything I've ever experienced ever? Yeah, let the good times roll.

I gotta say, if you are running around all day, worried about every little thing, why not do the opposite. Slow down a bit and instead of worrying about the little things, appreciate the little things. One person I met out here put it the best. She told me when she prays, she didnt just thank God for the good things in her life, she also thanked Him for the bad things also while recognizing that what will be will be. Good things happen to people and more good things result from good things. But people, bad things happen to people also, and good things result from that as well. What seemed terrible for me a couple of years ago has now turned into one of the best things that could have ever happened. And no, I'm not saying that bad things are all based on perception, there are some REALLY EVIL BAD things out there, but think about it, what has made you angry today? Could it have been avoided simply by you choosing to either (A) Not make it such a big deal, (B) Ignore it or (C) smile and try to move on to something that will make you smile? Did you try any of those things? The next time something happens really, literally if you have to, take a step back and say "Will this even matter in a few days/weeks/months/years?" And if the resounding answer is no, then you know what, find a reason to smile. Dont try to find a reason to say "Today is terrible", take someone else's version of "terrible" and make it to your version of, "eh, its ok, I'm alive, I'm loved, and I appreciate everything, even if it makes me uncomfortable, I'm going to try to focus on the positive."

Yeah I know that had nothing to do with Japan, but actually it had everything to do with it. My positivity started with my mom and dad when I was younger, but it is carrying on because I'm not only changing my mindset, but my actions as well. You'll find that things aren't so hard to be happy about when you consistently wake up and say, "Today is going to be a good day."

Love you guys.


1 comment:

  1. Amen, Amen, and Amen....
    today is a great day that i can get out of the bed on my own and create my destiny TODAY.

    Thanks for your thoughts.
