Monday, August 2, 2010

A Japan Wedding

Yesterday I experienced something remarkable. Two people, in front of witnesses, professing their love for one another and letting their families know that they can now fully let go because they have found their souls counterpoint in another (thank you Wedding Crashers).

My co-worker from Amity (who finished before I did) finally got married to her boyfriend after 5 years of being together. She is such a wonderful person and I was so happy for her yesterday. As she was reading a letter she wrote to her parents, about 50% of it that I understood, I felt myself almost starting to weep because she was basically saying "I will always remember everything you both have done for me, but today Yousuke (her husband) is going to take care of me and you should not worry".

The ceremony itself was quite different from American ceremonies. No lie, the bride and groom together probably changed into over 8 different outfits throughout the course of the wedding. There was now "you may now kiss the bride" it was actually more befitting of 2 wedding receptions. The first, more serious one with speeches, congratulations, dinner, and thank you's and the next at a restaurant where people were mingling. I found it fantastic, but that wasn't nearly the most surprising part. The most surprising part of the wedding was that the bride, whom I love, asked me to sing at her wedding.

Apparently everyone was expecting me to be silly, and instead I surprised everyone with Brian Mcknight's "Still in love". I tried to post a video on this blog but it would NOT load up for some reason. Sorry everyone, but enjoy the post and the above picture :-D
All in all, my first Japanese wedding couldn't have gone any better unless I met my own future wife there...whiicchhhh mayyybee...nah..prolly not, but I did get a number ;)


1 comment:

  1. i love it. I am so happy for them. You deserve someone like
    that and I know your future wife will too say that
    Jeremy will take care of her. I am disappointed that I cannot
    hear your song.
