Sunday, August 9, 2009

It's been so long!!!

No one told me that I had this on my head, I was trying to look sophisticated...hahaha pictures here

Hello world!! I know it has been a VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRYYY long time since I have last posted. I apologize, but yet I'm not to sorry. Life has been crazy busy the month of July.

The first weekend I went to an enormous beach party with 100's of people. I was able to get Saturday off (and so was Becs) and we danced the night away Friday and Saturday and during the day Saturday I just enjoyed being on the beach with friends. It was some of the most fun I've had in my entire life. I met a bunch of new people (included two mixed babies, one of which was Mexican and Japanese and the other which was Caucasian and chinese...oh gosh I love this country, they were girls obviously ;) I made new friends from Okayama, Tokyo and other parts of Japan. It was quite the experience, but since it was indeed a party, I will stop at the fact that it was "fun" and not go into too many more details (and it's not because I don't remember, haha).

The second weekend in July was possibly better than the first; I did something that I've never done before. Check that; two things that I've never done before. I went Canyoning, which is basically going into the bowels of a mountain where there are rivers and waterfalls and ziplining, splashing, and exploring in nature. It was probably one of the most amazing things I've ever done in my life. That was until the next day when I, Jeremy White, went White Water Rafting. Yes people, White Water Rafting. I never knew that such an activity could be so fulfillingly fun in a way I had never imagined. I went with other foregin friends and we had a blast. We were going through the rapids with our Australian guide (Mezza, who was cool as heck) yelling "FORWARD TEAM! BACK! GET DOWN TEAM! ALRIGHT TEAM GREAT JOB PUNCH THE AIR! YAAAAHHHH!!!|" It was genki (energetic, fun) a time as I think I've had in Japan. And that was the other great thing, I was doing this IN Japan!!! There were about 5 other boats all with Japanese people (we were the only foreign group that day), and they were awesome. At certain times Mezza would let us know that it was ok to jump out of the boat and just let the current take our bodies downstream. This had to be the one of the most fun parts of rafting for me. I would just do a backflip off of the boat, land in the water, float down the river and yell "I'M FLOATING DOWN A RIVER! IN JAPAN! WOO HOO!!!" and then I'd start singing some Frank Sinatra "Fly me to the MOON!!" It was so peaceful (and yet not, because it was WHITE WATER RAFTING!!!).

At random times when we weren't in a rapid, I would sneak over to some of the Japanese boats and pull someone off of their boat and into the water. Mezza encouraged this because he said most of the Japanese people keep their feelings bottled up during the work week and for a lot of them this is a time to let loose. That was definitely the case as they had no problem with me pulling them out of their boats and into the water. Everyone got a good laugh. That is something I must do again before I die. And if you havent (and you arent nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant, don't have chronic back pain and are in possession of all your limbs) I suggest you do it, it's a memory that will stay with me forever.

The following weekend my family came into town. We went to Matsue and visited a 400 year old castle, we saw the birds, that I saw the month before, and we took a boat ride. I love my family, but goodness it was very mentally draining getting around Japan when I am the only one who can read and the only one who spoke a decent bit of Japanese. Every time I turned around I heard "Hey Jeremy what's this? Hey, what do you think this is for? Hey why do they have these? Hey jeremy..Hey Jeremy..Hey jeRemy, hey..." AHHH!!! Ok I'm exagerrating a little bit, but it was mentally draining. We went Karaoke, we went out dancing, and we even went out to eat the last night they were here to a place where WE get to cook in front of ourselves (yeah, those Japanese restaurants where they cook in front of you in America don't exist...but you can cook in front of yourself with raw meat here).

Overall, the family visit was great. I got to show off my Japanese skills, I constantly corrected my mother who was butchering the Japanese language (Love you mom) and I got to be a tour guide. It honestly doesn't feel as if I'm 6800 miles away from home. The only downside is that I heard it took my family 5 days to recover after they got back to the States, ehck.

Then, the last week of July began hell weeks. At my company we have a season called Summer Seminar Season. This is where my company makes most of their profits throughout the year because children that go to the shcool can take four or five extra lessons during their Summer Vacation to get more practice. In addition this sets up Amity fincancially for the rest of the year. Read between the lines because I'm not about to talk bad about my company. Anyway, scheduling more classes means more classes that I have to teach. Usually in a regular work week I teach around 27 classes a week, give or take a couple. During the last two weeks I have taughtover 65 classes. I had a lot of days where I had 8 classes scheduled (do the math, that's a class every hour except my lunch break where I get an hour, so yes, all day I'm teaching). But, even though the season isn't over yet, the brunt of it is finished, AND today is the first day of my 9 day vacation. I will be going to Kobe Japan and traveling aorund that area to Osaka and Kyoto, so plenty of pictures will be taken and plenty of relaxing and having fun will also be done.

One funny story before I close this out. My kids are hilarious at school. One example of this is yesterday I had a boy named Kodai. He is 9 years old and extremely smart with his English. He can't have a conversation with you, but his listening skills and his understanding of grammar, past, and future tense and his vocabulary is wonderful, even better than some of my high school kids (actually, most of my high school kids). Yesterday we did a warm-up where I asked him to make an adjective and noun combination starting with "A". And I gave an example, "amazing apple." He didn't totally understand at first, but most of the word combinations he gave after we started were adjective and noun combinations (some were verb and noun, but still starting with the same letter, so he was doing good). We got to "S" and he said "Super Sunflower" and I proceeded to talk in a super hero narrartor voice and say "SUUUUUPER SUNFLOWER!!!" and he started laughing and I started laughing and he said, "Teacher Teacher!" and he acted like he was the Super Sunflower and he did his super power and then proceeded to sneeze uncontrollably. He was trying to tell me that the Super Sunflower's power was making people sneeze. So everytime I would say, "SUUUUPPEER SUNFLOWER!!" he would start sneezing. Hahahahaha!!! Gotta love these kids.

OH! Announcement!!! Football seasons starts soon! That is all (GO COWBOYS!!!).

-Jeremy aka the drained person who is now happy and resting on his glorious 9 day vacation.
Enjoy the Videos! Karaoke!! (not with the fam though)

Oh! And I have decided to extend for four extra months. Will I be here past the end of May? I am not sure, all I know now is that I am definitely staying here an extra four months (past February 2010). So if I decide not to extend again and come back to the states I'll be in the States at the end of May 2010, that's an "if". But, let's take one thing at a time.