Sunday, May 8, 2011


Well Spring has officially sprung, and I just want to let you guys know that I am indeed still alive. Although I have been really really really lazy when it comes to this blog. I guess part of it is that I have been in Japan for a couple of years now and there are not so many mind blowing things to talk about. The other part of it is, well, I have been really taking it easy for a long time now.

Let's see, something quick to talk about. I had a new obsession the past couple months that I am trying to quit cold turkey. It is UFO catchers. So you know how in America you pay a quarter, or 50 cents to try and win a prize? You never do. Well, in Japan there is a strategy (and sometimes the people will even move things for you and TELL you how to win, how awesome is that?!) And I won so much stuff. SO much stuff, a big box full of stuff. But, alas, where am I going to put all of these things? How am I going to get them back to America? What exactly are they doing in my apartment other than sitting there? I had to stop. So, faithful readers (who may not be so faithful because I have not put anything new up here since last year), I am trying to stop. And I will show you some pictures and that shall be the end of my post.

It has been a wonderful, relaxing two years, and for all of you that are wondering, I will be out here for at least another 10 months (for those that can't do math, thats March 2012). Teaching adults is great, and I still teach the kids. Enjoy the pictures, and if you think "wow, this boy is crazy!" think this instead "at least he wasnt addicted to drugs"


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